January 12, 2023 10:00 am PST
Before you attend, you must:
If you have not completed the above, please watch the video and download the guide on how to install GA4 (links at bottom of this page)
Having trouble with the new GA4? Submit a question along with a link to a screen recording and we feature your issue on the webinar!
We recommend using Loom to record your GA4 issue and post a link in the GA Question section.
Thank you for submitting your issue.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Summer 2022 Webinar
In this session, we discussed:
• What is Google Analytics 4 and does it even matter to me?
• What are the benefits of using Google Analytics 4?
• How do I go beyond a basic setup and make it useful to me?
We'll walk through the initial steps of GA4 setup
• Creating a new Property
• Update Property Settings
• Enrich the standard data
• Where did all of the regular reports and metrics go?
• Finding a creating meaningful Reports
• Open Q&A
Clark Frye has worked in digital marketing analysis since 2007. His professional focus has always involved understanding how complex systems work and finding ways to make them better. Clark worked with clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies before starting Mountain View Analytics.