New Digital Advertising Options For Auto Enthusiasts
It’s hard to believe 2018 is almost over. We’re already starting 2019 planning! Because we’re growing and adding so many digital advertising options, we’ve decided to highlight some of the new products and services we offer.
Introducing Our New Media Kit
The time has come to roll out our annual media kit. It has everything to get you ready for 2019. We guide you through all the different ways to quickly target vehicle enthusiasts through a variety of online advertising formats. As your customers spend more time online, media usage trends continue to change. But luckily, we’ve got you covered and show you step by step how to reach your target audience.
Paid Search – Supercharge Your Display and Social Media Ads
Most online advertising is prospecting; displaying graphical ads to people on targeted websites. On the other hand, Search Advertising helps you find people actively looking for products and services similar to your own. When combined together, Search and Display Advertising are a powerful combination. With our unique online reporter you can view site and ad results anytime, from any device.
New Editorial Sites for Boating and RV Enthusiasts and offer advertisers an easy and effective way to reach millions of consumers. The sites and their related Facebook page provide the latest on industry events, how-to videos and new products. As RV and boating sales continue to rise, Digital Throttle is expecting crossover between existing audience segments and both industries.
Our purpose for these titles is our fast-growing Social Media advertising where we advertise with editorial-like stories. As RV and boating sales continue to rise, Digital Throttle is expecting crossover between existing audience segments and both industries.