There are five key stages in the marketing funnel. Just a few important comments about the stages:
Top-Funnel (Awareness & Branding):the goal here is to reach as many likely prospects for the best possible price. As you can see, the Awareness and Branding stages are the largest; meaning we’re trying to reach lots of people across targeted websites and social media platforms.
Key Strategy:
Inspire curiosity and focus on product benefits. Entice the prospect to click to your website to get more details.
Mid-Funnel (Educating and Influencing):
So your prospect is curious and wants to know more. Your website needs to provide more details and additional information. Videos, PDF downloads and other information will help push the interested prospect “further down”.
Key Strategy:
Use website retargeting so you can later target your site visitors with any type of digital ad. Don’t let site visitors become “unknown” traffic to your site!
Ready to Buy (Act):
Your prospect is ready to buy, but will be doing some shopping for pricing and alternative brands.
Key Strategy:
This is where paid search is key. Be sure you protect against this person buying a competitive product and reinforce your benefits.
So What Ads to Run?
The above image shows where different digital ads are best used in the “Funnel”. To help explain each of the different ads, it’s best if you download our
Display Ads
– pages 6 – 9
Graphical Ads used to show your product in action.
Social Media Ads
– page 12
“Advertorials” we write for you across our digital publications targeting different vehicles.
Retargeting– page 12
Free computer code you install to place “cookies” on devices visiting your website.
Paid Search
– page 13
Paid text ads on Google and Bing that appear when users search for products, competitors and pricing.
Digital Advertising is a superior form of advertising for three simple reasons:
(1) Targeting:
We could write a small book covering digital ad targeting and where we get all “geek speak”. But we’ll handle all the targeting options for you, once we know the product to promote.
(2) Reporting:
You will know exactly where your money is being spent and the performance of each creative ad, website, social media location and keyword. We actually report daily these numbers (see page 15 of the Media Kit)
(3) Pay for Performance:
You only pay for specific actions with Digital Ads. For upper-funnel, it’s cost per ad displayed. For lower funnel it’s cost per click. And digital doesn’t require long-term contracts or huge budgets. You can start with a small budget and change as needed.